Do you want help developing your financial strategy? You may need a planner.

It’s a popular misconception that only multi-millionaires benefit from the services of a financial planner. While there are financial professionals who only work with wealthy individuals, many offer their services to people who wish to become millionaires.

The information I’m sending this month will help you discover the benefits of working with a financial planner to help you reach your financial goals. Whether you want to retire early, pay your children’s education in full or build lasting wealth, assistance from an expert can help you turn your dreams into reality. Page one provides an overview of what a financial planner can do for you and the ideal scenarios in which you may consider scheduling your first meeting, such as when you receive a windfall or when you’re just starting out in your career. Page two outlines five things to keep in mind before you meet with a planner, such as reviewing their credentials, learning more about their fee structure and more.

Don’t shy away from working toward financial freedom and wealth building. Instead, empower yourself with knowledge and a helping hand by meeting with a planner to get a clearer view of your finances.

~Here are a few thoughts on today’s financial planning strategies from Genna Petty of WFG World Financial Group~

According to recent surveys in Canada:
-35% of Canadians do not have any savings or investments.
-Only 27% of private sector workers have an employer-funded pension plan
-The average savings in Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP) is only $55,000

Isn’t it true that today people are spending more money on things they don't need; with money they don't have. That we are bombarded with debt and our institutions solution is to give us more debt! Seniors are barely scraping by with rising costs and health care challenges, students graduate with more loan debt and less chances to work in their fields. Why is this? No one is teaching basic financial concepts and unfortunately most believe that this kind of advice only available if they’re being charged by the hour. Not the case; sit down with me one on one for complimentary financial solutions at your convenience, as well as financial literacy workshops, are offered right here in Edmonton on a weekly basis. No catch, it’s just part of our mission and commitment to helping families save their future. I’m a firm believer that applied knowledge is where it counts. Don’t read this article and let more time pass without considering a plan of action for your future. Ponder this:

•What’s my plan to get out of debt? How can I do so effectively?
•What are some ways to reduce the amount of taxes I pay?
•What should I be saving for my children’s education?
•When do I want to retire? How much money will that take to get “there”? And for how long will my money last? 

It’s ironic that we live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world yet still many Canadians retire poor! It’s true what they say; “people don’t plan to fail but they do fail to plan” therefore my goal is to solve the consumers dilemma of lack of planning, lack of understanding, and lack of support. I would be happy to meet with you to provide solutions or to assess whether or not you’re on track. When it’s a complimentary service- it just makes sense to take advantage of it, doesn’t it? 

Genna Petty
Cell: (780) 995-3747